This global pandemic, in concert with the shifts of power globally massive economic challenges the surging impact of technology the decline of the nuclear family distrust of major institutions and the growing polarization around race and politics, has created the perfect storm for drastic change. Think of major shifts like the fall of the Roman Empire, the rise of Christianity or the Reformation. And about every 400 to 500 years, we enter a new epoch where drastic shifts alter the course of history forever.

Those who study history tell us that about every hundred years we enter a new era, a major shift in how life works. Third, now is not the time to mourn the past, but to innovate, to dream, to lead, to be bold and to recognize that God is “shaking the world so that the things that can be shaken will be shaken and the things that cannot be shaken will remain” (Cf.

First, we will never return to “normal.” Second, we can rebuild. It has brought with it big questions: What now, and what’s next? Where do we go from here? What things will never return? And even more important, what is God up to, and what is our part in this drastically changing world? COVID-19 is the greatest global disturbance that we have ever seen. We’re living in a world right now that’s different from any other time in our lives.